What makes music video suitable for iceberg analysis?
Music Videos and Iceberg Analysis
What is Iceberg Analysis?
Iceberg analysis is a technique used to examine the deeper, hidden meanings and symbolism within a work of art or media. It is named after the iceberg metaphor, where the visible portion above the water represents the obvious, surface-level meaning, while the larger, submerged portion represents the underlying, implicit meanings.
This approach is particularly well-suited for analyzing music videos, as they often contain rich visual symbolism and metaphorical elements that go beyond the literal interpretation of the song's lyrics.
Characteristics of Music Videos that Enable Iceberg Analysis
Layered Symbolism and Metaphors
Music videos often employ complex visual symbolism and metaphorical imagery that can be analyzed for deeper meaning. states that 'pictures are easier to understand and have more impact than words and they are generally offered greater opportunity for the communication of excitement, mood, and imagination.'
Nonverbal Communication
Music videos rely heavily on nonverbal communication, such as body language, gestures, and proxemics, to convey meaning. explains that 'nonverbal communication can take place through presentational code, namely signs that are visualized as body language, and can also be displayed as representational code, namely signs that convey information or ideas into a meaningful message.'
Transmedia Storytelling
Music videos are often part of a larger transmedia narrative, where the visual elements and symbolism extend beyond the single video and are woven throughout an artist's entire body of work. discusses how 'the component of interpretation is always present in the concerts, a feature that is not exclusive to the artist but permeates the shows of Madonna or Lady Gaga.'
Applying Iceberg Analysis to Music Videos
Identifying Visual Signs and Symbols
The first step in applying iceberg analysis to a music video is to identify the various visual signs and symbols present. outlines Dyer's framework for analyzing visual signs, which includes appearance, manner, activity, props, and setting.
Interpreting Meaning and Symbolism
Once the visual signs and symbols have been identified, the next step is to interpret their deeper meaning and significance. This involves considering the cultural context, intertextual references, and the artist's broader creative vision. and provide examples of how semiotic analysis can be used to uncover the underlying meanings in music videos.
Connecting to Broader Themes and Narratives
Finally, the iceberg analysis should consider how the visual symbolism and meaning in the music video connect to the artist's overall creative narrative and themes. discusses how music videos can be part of a larger transmedia storytelling approach, where the visuals and themes are woven throughout an artist's work.
Music videos are well-suited for iceberg analysis due to their layered symbolism, reliance on nonverbal communication, and connection to broader transmedia narratives. By identifying visual signs and symbols, interpreting their deeper meaning, and connecting them to the artist's overall creative vision, researchers can uncover the rich, hidden layers of meaning within music videos.