How Do NMR Spectroscopy Chemical Shifts Reveal Molecular Structures?

Insight from top 10 papers

NMR Spectroscopy Chemical Shifts and Molecular Structures

Fundamentals of NMR Chemical Shifts

NMR chemical shifts provide crucial information about molecular structure by revealing the local electronic environment of nuclei. (Kraus et al., 2018)

  • Isotropic chemical shifts depend on various factors:
    • Local conformational environment
    • Hydrogen bonding networks
    • Electronic effects

The relationship between chemical shifts and molecular structure is complex and multifaceted, requiring sophisticated analysis techniques.

Types of NMR Chemical Shifts

1. 13C Chemical Shifts

13Cα chemical shifts primarily depend on local geometry and are accurately described by quantum mechanical calculations. (Kraus et al., 2018)

2. 15N Chemical Shifts

15NH chemical shifts are more complex, influenced by:

  • Electrostatic interactions
  • Hydrogen bonding
  • Solvation effects

These shifts show larger scatter in experimental vs. calculated values due to their intricate dependence on various factors. (Kraus et al., 2018)

Correlation Between Chemical Shifts and Molecular Structure

1. Secondary Structure

Chemical shifts can indicate secondary structure elements in proteins:

  • α-helices
  • β-sheets
  • Random coils

However, there is no direct correlation between agreement of calculated and experimental shifts and secondary structure type. (Kraus et al., 2018)

2. Residue-Specific Information

Chemical shifts provide atomic-level details for each amino acid within a molecule, offering insights into local environments and interactions. (Perilla et al., 2017)

Experimental Techniques

1. Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR

MAS NMR is a powerful technique for obtaining atomic resolution structural information on macromolecular assemblies, such as:

  • Viral assemblies
  • Cytoskeletal assemblies
  • Amyloid fibrils

Recent technological advancements have greatly improved the capabilities of MAS NMR. (Kraus et al., 2018)

2. Solution NMR

Solution NMR provides complementary information to solid-state techniques. Comparison of solid-state and solution NMR shifts can reveal important structural insights. (Kraus et al., 2018)

Computational Methods for Chemical Shift Prediction

1. Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM)

QM/MM calculations can accurately predict chemical shifts, especially for 13Cα. This method combines the accuracy of quantum mechanics for the region of interest with the computational efficiency of molecular mechanics for the surrounding environment. (Kraus et al., 2018)


SHIFTX2 is a program that predicts protein chemical shifts based on experimental database information. It often performs well, especially for 13Cα shifts. (Kraus et al., 2018)

3. Machine Learning Approaches

Machine learning-based methods are being developed to improve chemical shift predictions, particularly for accounting for spin-orbit coupling effects. (Büning et al., 2024)

Applications in Structure Determination

1. Protein Structure Refinement

Chemical shifts can be used as restraints in protein structure refinement, potentially enabling very high-resolution NMR-derived structures. (Kraus et al., 2018)

2. Integration with Other Techniques

Combining NMR chemical shift data with other structural biology techniques, such as cryo-EM, can provide powerful means for solving structures of complex systems. (Perilla et al., 2017)

Challenges and Future Directions

  1. Improving accuracy of 15N chemical shift predictions
  2. Developing robust protocols for routine use in structure determination
  3. Enhancing the integration of chemical shift data with other structural biology techniques
  4. Addressing spectral overlap issues in large proteins and protein assemblies

Overcoming these challenges will further enhance the power of NMR chemical shifts in revealing molecular structures.

Source Papers (10)
CryoEM Structure Refinement by Integrating NMR Chemical Shifts with Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Chemical Shifts of the Carbohydrate Binding Domain of Galectin-3 from Magic Angle Spinning NMR and Hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Calculations.
Methoxy 13C NMR Chemical Shift as a Molecular Descriptor in the Structural Analysis of Flavonoids and Other Phenolic Compounds
The Structure of Molecular and Surface Platinum Sites Determined by DNP-SENS and Fast MAS 195Pt Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.
Machine learning-based correction for spin-orbit coupling effects in NMR chemical shift calculations.
Systematic QM/MM Study for Predicting 31P NMR Chemical Shifts of Adenosine Nucleotides in Solution and Stages of ATP Hydrolysis in a Protein Environment
Histone H3 core domain in chromatin with different DNA linker lengths studied by 1H-Detected solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Molecular Structure, FT-IR, NMR (13C/1H), UV-Vis Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations on (2Z, 5Z)-3-N(4-Methoxy phenyl)-2-N'(4-methoxy phenyl imino)-5-((E)-3-(2-nitrophenyl)allylidene) thiazolidin-4-one
Experimental and quantum chemical studies on molecular structure, spectroscopic analysis, NLO analysis and HOMO-LUMO of substituted N-ferrocenylmethyl-N-phenylamides
The Scope of the Applicability of Non-relativistic DFT Calculations of NMR Chemical Shifts in Pyridine-Metal Complexes for Applied Applications.